Azgoths of Kria

Grubby Mits Holding Co.

CorporationGrubby Mits Holding Co.Security status0
AllianceAzgoths of KriaAvg. time in corporation2 years, 10 months, 16 days, 15 hours and 45 minutes
Date of birth 2013-06-22 21:50:00Id93519398

Employment history

Grubby Mits Holding Co.Grubby Mits Holding Co.2013-09-04 22:142024-12-28 12:5111 years, 3 months, 23 days, 14 hours and 37 minutes
O G R E SO G R E S2013-08-18 00:402013-09-04 22:1417 days, 21 hours and 34 minutes
Jazz AssociatesJazz Associates2013-06-22 22:262013-08-18 00:401 month, 26 days, 2 hours and 14 minutes
Hedion UniversityHedion University2013-06-22 21:502013-06-22 22:2636 minutes